We’ve sold Drill Pipe, Welding Equipment, Drilling Rig Equipment, Safety Equipment, Pumps, Generators, and many other assorted equipment.
A Few of our valued Retail Equipment Clients:
- Oil Field Supply Services
- Fortesa International, Senegal, West Africa
- JAL Equipment and Supply
We have built various plants and other custom fabrication projects for:
- Gulsby Process Systems
- S-Con Services, Inc.
- Gulsby Engineering
- Sea Fab
- Blendstar, LLC
We have refurbished drilling rigs for:
- Alternative Technology Systems
- JAL Equipment and Supply
We welcome the opportunity to furnish you with a competitive quotation.

info@OilfieldFab.com | email
281.443.2114 | phone
281.443.1489 | fax
oilfieldfabrication | skype